Birchwood’s Show Dog Side

Robert A. Satoloe

I strive to better the breed of dog the English Springer Spaniel, in both genetics and stability.
With owning and running a boarding & grooming kennel, I have given 100% to the welfare of those client pets in my charge.

“I designed Birchwood to be totally different with the care and comfort of all family pets.”

Birchwood got it’s start in 1982 with Robert A. Satoloe’s English Springer Spaniel line. His long and successful past in breeding and showing dogs has led him to running a successful kennel as well.

After opening Birchwood Kennels in 1989, Robert wanted to keep the name Birchwood, which had always stood for the quality and care that went into his work with animals.

He originally got the kennel name of Birchwood from his childhood home in Skokie, Illinois, which stood on the corner of Keystone and Birchwood. It is also a beautiful species of tree.

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